foundation repair waterproofing

The Five Step Process of Foundation Repair

Repairing a damaged home foundation is a relatively quick and straightforward process. While the job itself may take two or three days, the benefits you’ll enjoy will be well worth the time invested.

In most cases, home foundation repair in Dallas Fort Worth involves five distinct steps. These are:

  1. Preparing the worksite.
  2. Excavating the area around the foundation.
  3. Raising and stabilizing the foundation itself.
  4. Making sure that the home is now level.
  5. Cleaning up the worksite.

Let’s look at these foundation repair methods in more detail.

Preparing the Worksite

The first step in our foundation repair services is to prepare your home and landscaping. We do our best to protect shrubs, bushes, and small trees. In some cases, we may need to dig up and temporarily move these items. If so, we’ll replant them later. However, we are not able to ensure the survival of all plants.

Excavating the Area around the Foundation

The purpose of this step is to gain access to the sections of your foundation where we’ll insert the piers. Our workers will pile the dirt onto either tarps or sheets of plywood and fill in the holes once the piers are in place.

Raising and Stabilizing the Foundation Itself

During this step, we’ll place piers into the holes we dug earlier and use special equipment to drive them into the bedrock beneath your home. We’ll then use steel shims to secure the piers to your foundation. We may need to raise your home the appropriate amount to correct any sagging or sloping.

Making Sure That the Home Is Now Level

Our experts will check your home at multiple points to ensure that it’s level and properly supported. After that, we’ll give the foundation one more inspection to make sure that everything is as it should be.

Cleaning up the Worksite

The last step is to give the entire site a thorough cleaning. We’ll fill in the holes that we dug, remove landscape coverings, replant any shrubs or bushes that were dug up, if you desire them to be replaced, and take away any lumber, tarps, or debris that still remains.

Once this stage of the project is complete, your home will look the same as it did before our foundation repair company arrived. The chief difference will be that your floors are now level, and your foundation is strong and sound.

DFW Foundation Repair

Here at Align Foundation Repair, we’re proud to have built a reputation as a leading foundation repair company in Garland TX and the surrounding areas. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our foundation repair services and our service areas to schedule your free foundation inspection and price estimate in DFW.

Concrete pouring during commercial concreting slab foundation of building

What is a Slab Foundation?

Concrete slab foundations are extremely common in homes here in North Texas. They start with a vapor barrier, a network of reinforcing rebar or post tension cable, plumbing components, and the concrete itself. When properly constructed, slab foundations are extremely durable and dependable. However, they sometimes develop problems that require the services of a qualified contractor.

If you’re worried about your concrete slab foundation, then we invite you to contact us here at Align Foundation Repair today. We’ll diagnose the problem and give you the facts you need to make an informed decision.

Components of a Slab Foundation

Building a slab foundation typically involves a multilayered method that includes the following steps:

  1. Placing protective waterproof fabric over the excavated area – this is done to protect the slab from problems caused by underground moisture. This same material also helps to prevent termite damage to the completed building.
  2. Constructing a network of post tension cable and reinforcing rebar- this is done to stabilize the foundation and to prevent cracks and other structural problems.
  3. Laying the plumbing pipes – the water and sanitation lines enter the home through the foundation.
  4. Pouring the slab itself – this is usually done all at once during a single long day. The wet concrete may be held in place by excavated trenches, wooden forms, or a combination of the two.
  5. Controlling the moisture content of the concrete while it cures – this is achieved either by using an intermittent sprinkler or by having a worker on hand with an ordinary garden hose.

Additional steps may be required to match local building codes or to conform to the homeowner’s requirements. For example, sometimes a layer of rigid insulation is added to prevent frost upheaval (rare but not unheard of here in North Texas) or to improve the structure’s energy efficiency.

Problems That Can Occur With a Slab Foundation

Sometimes a slab foundation lasts for many decades without the slightest sign of trouble. Other times, however, problems can crop up due to one or more of the following causes:

  • Inadequate preparation of the underlying soil – for a slab foundation to remain stable, the earth underneath it must be properly compacted. Sometimes this step is skipped in the rush to complete the building quickly.
  • Insufficient protection from ground moisture – caused by gaps or tears in the waterproof fabric.
  • Failure in the supporting layer of post tension cable and rebar – caused by hasty construction or the use of inferior materials.
  • Cracks or structural failure – caused by the weight of the overlying structure, changes to the earth beneath the foundation, or weather-related damage.

Fixing problems with a concrete slab foundation requires the help of a skilled contractor with the necessary equipment, training, and experience. That’s where Align Foundation Repair comes into the picture.

We provide a wide range of concrete slab foundation repair services across North Texas. We also offer a variety of financing options. Check our DFW service areas and contact us today for your free, no-obligation estimate.

6 Concrete Slab Foundation Maintenance Tips

Following the basic rules of concrete slab maintenance can help you to protect your North Texas home from costly foundation damage. Important steps include:

  • Watering your yard.
  • Promoting good drainage.
  • Using care when planting trees.
  • Installing a root barrier.
  • Having your pipes inspected once a year.
  • Making sure your property slopes away from, not towards, your home.

Let’s look at these important steps one at a time.

Dry Soil Can Hurt Your Foundation

As dirt becomes parched, it shrinks away from your home’s foundation, weakening the support it receives from the surrounding earth. Keep your yard moist in the dry summer months by using a soaker hose or lawn sprinkler system. Remember to follow state and local rules regarding water use.

Saturated Soil Can Also Damage Your Foundation

Saturated soil can hurt your foundation by applying pressure that causes it to shift or buckle. Here are two ways to avoid this problem:

  1. Keep your gutters in good shape – clean them at least twice a year and repair or replace them as necessary.
  2. Install landscaping drains – to channel rainwater away from your home’s perimeter. Underground drains are a good choice since they have little or no effect on your yard’s appearance.

Why You Should Use Care When Planting Trees

Trees add beauty and shade to your home’s exterior. But they can also sap away crucial moisture that’s essential for your foundation’s strength.

A good rule of thumb is to never plant a tree closer than 20 feet from your foundation. If in doubt, then ask the staff at the nursery center about the tree’s root size and moisture requirements. In general, small ornamental trees are less likely to cause damage.

Consider Installing a Root Barrier

A root barrier is an underground shield made of either metal or plastic. It extends approximately three feet beneath the ground and prevents roots from growing towards your foundation. Consider having a barrier installed, especially if you have trees or large bushes near your home.

Have a Plumber Inspect Your Water Lines Every Year

Leaking water lines can cause water to pool underneath your foundation, eroding its support and affecting the entire structure of your home. Ask a licensed plumber to inspect your plumbing system at least once a year, and keep an eye out for problems in the meantime.

Keep Your Property on the Right Grade

The property surrounding your home should slope away from your foundation and towards a sewer, stream, lake, or other central collection point. If it doesn’t, then you should have it recontoured as soon as possible. A grading contractor can help.

Foundation Problems? Get in Touch With Us Today

Following these concrete slab maintenance tips will go a long way towards protecting your foundation and your home. But sometimes all the precautions in the world aren’t enough to prevent damage from occurring.

If you find yourself in that situation, then call us today for a free quote on concrete slab foundation repair. We serve a wide range of Dallas-Fort Worth slab foundation repair service areas and our work is backed by a top-of-the-line lifetime transferable warranty.

Pros and Cons of Slab Foundations

Understanding slab foundation pros and cons will help you assess your options when it comes to home construction and repair. Benefits of a slab foundation include simplicity, affordability, and durability. Some of the drawbacks include vulnerability to cracks and a tendency to shift out of place, especially when the foundation is built on top of poor soil.

3 Benefits of Slab Foundations

Slab foundations are extremely common here in North Texas. Here are some of the key reasons why:

  1. Slab foundations are simple and inexpensive – this is one reason why housing is more affordable in Texas than in other parts of the country. A slab foundation can be completed in as little as four days, weather permitting. There’s no need for basement or cellar walls, which can drive up the cost of construction significantly.
  2. Slab foundations are strong – the completed home rests upon a single unit of steel-reinforced concrete, poured to a depth of 24 inches or more along the perimeter for added stability. This type of construction is highly resistant to water damage and other potential threats.
  3. Slab foundations are practical – with a slab foundation, there is little danger of mold or mildew forming underneath the house. Since the entire home is supported by concrete, the chances of a single room or section of the house losing its support are minimal. This makes slab foundations an excellent choice for long-term stability and freedom from expensive maintenance issues.

3 Potential Cons of Slab Foundations

While a slab foundation is usually a great choice here in North Texas, no type of construction is without its share of potential problems. Here are some of the concerns that can crop up over time:

  1. Cracks in the foundation itself – this risk is especially likely if the soil beneath the home has a high degree of what engineers call plasticity, or the tendency to expand and contract depending on moisture levels.
  2. Plumbing problems – concrete slabs are designed so that water pipes are built into the foundation itself. This means that damaged or leaking pipes require jackhammering through the foundation in order to complete repairs.
  3. Lack of a crawlspace – ductwork and other important components must be located inside the home’s walls or attic. Also, the absence of a crawlspace limits the homeowner’s options for storing personal belongings.

Slab Foundation Repair

If you are experiencing problems with your home’s slab foundation, we provide prompt, affordable, top-quality slab foundation repair that is backed by an industry-leading warranty. Check out our wide range of DFW slab foundation repair service locations and call Align Foundation Repair today for a free quote.

How Much Does Slab Foundation Repair Cost?

The cost of slab foundation repair will vary depending on the type of work needed. Minor jobs can cost as little as $1000, whereas extensive repairs can exceed $10,000. The best way to save money on slab foundation repair is to address the underlying problem as soon as possible. Otherwise, the damage will grow worse over time, costing you more money and possibly leading to widespread structural issues throughout your home.

Factors That Affect Concrete Slab Foundation Repair Cost

Here in North Texas, most homes are often built on a concrete slab foundation. This design is a common-sense approach to residential construction.

But concrete slabs, while durable, can suffer damage due to severe weather events, leaking pipes, or underground water flow. Usually, the problem reveals itself in one of the following ways:

  • Cracks in the slab – this is often the first sign that a foundation is in trouble. The larger the crack is, the more extensive the underlying damage is likely to be. Homeowners should never ignore foundation cracks, no matter how small they are.
  • Problems in the home itself – including doors that are hard to open or close, windows cracking for no obvious reason, and floors sloping or buckling.

Get in touch with a qualified slab foundation repair company right away if you notice any of these problems.

Common Ways to Fix a Damaged Foundation

Your slab foundation repair contractor will perform a complete inspection to determine the nature of the problem. It may recommend any or all of the following corrective measures:

  • Installing piers underneath the foundation – these are metal or concrete structures that are buried deep in the ground beneath the home. Because they’re supported by bedrock, they will give your foundation long-term support and prevent it from shifting out of place.
  • Mud jacking or slab jacking the foundation – a concrete-like substance is injected beneath the foundation. This material expands and raises the slab up to level, correcting problems caused by shifting or eroding soil.

Have More Questions? Get in Touch With Us Today

Here at Align Foundation Repair, we know that homeowners have concerns about the costs of slab foundation repair services. That’s why we strive to keep our rates affordable. It’s also why we offer financing programs. Our customer service experts will be glad to give you all the details.

Get in touch with us today for your free, no-obligation quote. We cover a wide range of DFW slab foundation repair service areas, and our work is backed by an industry-leading warranty.

What Are the Common Foundation Repair Tasks?

Residential foundations are designed to last for decades. But any number of threats can cause them to suffer early failure, endangering not only the home but also its occupants. When that happens, it’s important to complete the necessary foundation repair tasks as soon as possible.

The exact type of repair will depend on the condition of the foundation and the cause of the problem. Here at Align Foundation Repair, we specialize in a variety of solutions. Align Foundation Repair tasks include:

  • Installing concrete/steel pilings.
  • Installing drilled piers.
  • Installing spread footings.
  • Installing state-of-the-art drainage systems.

Let’s take a closer look at these options and see how they can help you to solve your foundation problems.

Installing Concrete/Steel Pilings

In North Texas, when a foundation goes bad, it’s usually caused by expansion and contraction of the soil supporting the home.

One way to correct this type of damage is by installing piers into the bedrock beneath the residence and joining it to the home’s foundation using concrete or steel pilings. This lends the strength of the earth itself to the residence, making it literally “rock-solid.”

Installing Drilled Piers

Sometimes steel or concrete pilings are not the best way to correct a particular foundation problem. In those cases, we may recommend drilled piers instead.

Drilled piers are heavy-duty steel supports encased in concrete and sunk into the ground beneath the residence. When attached to the foundation, they provide much the same strength as pilings. This is a good option for small or lightweight homes.

Installing spread footings

Here in North Texas, many homes are supported by concrete block piers. This type of foundation is highly affordable and provides a crawl space for storage. But it’s also vulnerable to erosion caused by wind and rain.

One way to fix a damaged pier foundation is by installing spread footings. These are reinforced concrete piers that “spread out” in all directions, giving the home added strength while maintaining the advantages of a crawlspace.

Installing drainage solutions

Poor drainage is the leading cause of most foundation damage here in Texas. That’s why our foundation repair services include the following options:

  • Grading and contouring the property – to direct rainwater away from the home and its foundation.
  • Installing surface or sub-surface drains – to siphon rainwater into a stream, sewer system, or other collection point.
  • Cleaning or replacing gutters – to prevent rainwater from pooling around the home’s perimeter and damaging the foundation.
  • French Drains

A Company You Can Trust

At Align Foundation Repair, we invest in continuous training for our technicians so they’re always up-to-date on the latest advances in foundation repair. We’re known and respected across Texas and we’re happy to provide references from past clients. You can trust us to do the job right the first time.

Our Garland foundation repair service area covers all of the communities in the Dallas-Fort Worth region. Our work is backed by an industry-leading warranty and we provide free estimates. Get in touch with us today to learn more.

Home foundation repair inspection contractor

5 Tips for Choosing a Foundation Repair Company

Five things you should consider when choosing a foundation repair company are:

  1. The company’s years in business
  2. Customer testimonials
  3. Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating
  4. Knowledge of local climate and geology
  5. The warranty the company offers on its work

Let’s see why these factors are so important.

Experience Matters

Quality foundation repair requires years of hands-on work with all kinds of homes and all types of foundations.

Here at Align Foundation Repair, we have decades of experience providing foundation repair services to homeowners in Plano and the surrounding Dallas-Fort Worth area. In fact, our co-founders Josh and Jason Spector grew up working side-by-side with their father in the trade. Together with the other members of our team, they have the skills and know-how to put your foundation back on a solid footing.

Personal Recommendations Trump Paid Advertising

Good foundation repair companies have a history of prompt, courteous communications, fair estimates, timely service calls, and lasting results. To see what people are saying about Align Foundation Repair, just check our Google reviews. Our customers are our best salespeople.

Why BBB Accreditation Matters

BBB accreditation is considered the gold standard for customer service and ethical practices. Attaining a favorable rating with the bureau takes many years of consistent excellence in all facets of doing business. Make sure that whatever company you choose is in good standing with the BBB.

Texas is Unique – and So Are Its Foundation Problems

Texas is a huge, highly diverse state with four distinct geological regions, each of which poses particular risks to residential foundations.

A good DFW foundation repair company will understand this fact and take it into consideration when recommending a particular course of action. The more the contractor knows about Texas and its unique conditions, the better able it will be to address your concerns.

Good Repairs Stand the Test of Time

A properly restored foundation should stay free of trouble for decades. That’s why Align Foundation Repair offers a transferable lifetime warranty on its work. You can rest easy knowing that we’re on the job.

We hope these tips help you to find the right contractor for your needs. If you live in our Plano foundation repair service area, which includes the entire Dallas-Fort Worth region, get in touch with our office today to discuss your repair needs and receive your free estimate. We provide free inspections and honest assessments of your foundation problems so you’ll have the facts to make an informed decision.

3 Foundation Repair Facts Every Homeowner Should Know

Is your home’s foundation giving you problems? Knowing some basic facts about the repair process can help you to understand what went wrong and how to make it right. Here are three foundation repair facts you need to know.

Fact Number One: It Starts With the Soil

Every type of soil poses a particular set of risks to a home’s foundation. For example, soil that’s wet and sandy is prone to erosion, while soil that’s dry and tightly packed can shift and contract.

Even soil that’s lush and fertile can threaten your home, especially if it supports the growth of aggressive root systems that cause holes and cracks in your foundation.

That’s why here at Align Foundation Repair, we begin every job by carefully analyzing the soil around the home’s perimeter. Determining what caused the problem in the first place helps us to arrive at the best possible solution. This leads us to our second important fact.

Fact Number Two: There’s No “One Best Way” to Fix a Home’s Foundation

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to foundation repair. Depending on the specific factors contributing to your home’s foundation issues, our technicians may recommend any of the following repair techniques:

  • Concrete pressed piers – This approach uses a series of reinforced concrete cylinders buried underneath the home to level and support the foundation. It’s effective, affordable, and highly resistant to water damage.
  • Steel pilings – This method uses ultra-strong, corrosion-resistant steel inserts to bear the weight of the home. It’s a good option for situations in which the underlying soil is weak or prone to erosion.

Most of our foundation repair company services are backed by our exclusive warranty, so you can have peace of mind and full confidence in the results.

Fact Number Three: Proper Drainage Is Essential for a Strong Foundation

In many cases, a sinking foundation is caused not by structural failure but by poor drainage. That’s why we offer drainage system installation alongside our other services.

Depending on your needs, we may recommend one or more of the following solutions:

  • Installing gutter downspout extensions – to carry rainwater away from your foundation.
  • Grading and contouring your land – to ensure proper water flow towards a central collection point, such as a pond, stream, or city sewer system.
  • Installing surface drains – to eliminate swampy conditions and other problems caused by standing water.

Now that you know some basic facts about foundation repair services, we invite you to give us a call to schedule your free inspection and quote. Our Dallas foundation repair service area list is extensive, and we serve the entire DFW region.

Watch Out for These 3 Common Myths About Foundation Repair

Correcting problems with your foundation can enhance your property values while giving you peace of mind about your home’s safety and stability. Unfortunately, homeowners sometimes fall prey to rumors, myths, and falsehoods when it comes to this important topic.

Three of the most common misconceptions are that foundation work is either easy, unnecessary, or overpriced. Let’s examine these claims to separate fact from fiction.

Myth #1: Foundation Repair Is a Job for DIYers

Do-it-yourselfers deserve a lot of respect for their energy, initiative, and accomplishments. But some projects are simply too specialized, or too dangerous, for amateurs to tackle. This includes foundation repair.

To see why, consider that the average house has hundreds of separate unique components (lumber, pipes, etc.) held together by more than 12,000 nails. All in all, a modern home can weigh over 80 tons.

Working on a structure with that much complexity and weight should be left to experienced professionals.

So, think twice before you follow the advice of a well-intentioned friend or a stranger on the Internet. When it comes to foundation repair services, leave the work to those with the right training, manpower, and equipment to do the job safely.

Myth #2: Foundation Repair Is Unnecessary

It’s true that homeowners can sometimes get away with tiny cracks in their foundation, as long as they keep an eye on the problem over the years.

But, once those gaps start to expand, it’s time to get in touch with a professional. The same is true of other warning signs like unlevel floors, sticking doors, or warped window frames. By acting right away, you’ll avoid dangerous (and costly) damage to your home later.

Myth #3: Foundation Repair Is Overpriced

If you’re like the average Texan, your home is the biggest investment you’ll ever make. Serious foundation problems can undermine that investment by slashing your property’s value – it’s estimated that foundation issues can reduce the value of your home by 10-15% or more.

One thing that’s true of home foundation repair is that the more you put off rectifying the problem, the more the repair work will cost. Addressing foundation issues early can keep the cost down, and once your repairs are done by a reputable contractor like Align Foundation Repair and backed by a transferable lifetime warranty, your foundation will be good for decades, and you can sell your house with confidence if you choose to put it on the market.

When you consider these benefits, the cost of foundation work becomes quite reasonable. That’s especially true when you work with Align Foundation Repair, where we offer competitive pricing and convenient financing terms.

Taking chances with your home or your family’s safety is never a good idea. Check out our wide range of DFW foundation repair service locations and contact us today for your free estimate on foundation repair in the Plano area. You’ll soon have the facts you need to make an informed decision.

7 Questions You Should Ask Your Foundation Repair Company

Here at Align Foundation Repair, we know that your choice of foundation repair contractor matters – for the value of your home and for your peace of mind. If you’re a homeowner, realtor, developer, or investor, here are seven questions you should ask any foundation repair company before entrusting it with your hard-earned money.

Our family-run business provides affordable foundation repair company services backed by an industry-leading warranty. Get in touch with Align Foundation Repair today to schedule a free inspection and estimate, or to have any of your questions answered.

Question One: Is Your Business Insured?

A legitimate DFW foundation repair company will always carry plenty of coverage. Avoid any contractor that answers “no” to this question. Otherwise, you may find yourself on the hook if your home suffers negligent damage.

Question Two: How Long Have You Been in Business?

When your family home is at stake, it always pays to work with an established company. Align Foundation Repair was founded way back in 2010, and we’ve been in continuous operation ever since. We’re widely known and respected throughout Texas.

Question Three: Are You Members of the Better Business Bureau?

BBB membership is an important gauge of a company’s credibility. Align Foundation Repair has been an accredited member of the BBB since 2011. We hold an A+ rating with the agency. You can view our Better Business Bureau profile on their website.

Question Four: What Kind of Soil Does My Property Have?

The type of soil around your home will affect how your contractor will go about repairing your foundation. You should avoid any company that fails to consider this important factor.

Question Five: How Long Will the Project Take to Complete?

In most cases, Align Foundation Repair can finish the job in about three days or less. Once the work is done, the results will last for decades to come.

Question Six: What Will My Home Look like Once the Project Is Complete?

In some cases, foundation repair does require uprooting and relocating plants and shrubs along the perimeter of your home. A reputable contractor will advise you on the impact to your landscape prior to starting.

Question Seven: Will You Test My Plumbing After the Job Is Done?

After the work is finished, your contractor should give you the option of getting a test through a third-party plumber. However, you may also choose to use your own plumber for the testing.

Once you consider these seven questions, we think you’ll agree that Align Foundation Repair is the right contractor to entrust with this important project. We have a wide range of DFW foundation repair company service areas and offer lifetime warranties on our work and exceptional customer service. Get in touch with us today for your free estimate.