Concrete Raising vs. Concrete Replacement

Many homeowners are under the assumption that concrete, due to its rock-hard composition, can last a lifetime. In some instances, this is true. Unfortunately, this is often not the case for concrete driveways and walkways in the Dallas Fort Worth area. The concrete is vulnerable to damage due to the ever-shifting soil conditions beneath. The good news is that solutions are readily available, namely in the form of concrete raising and concrete replacement.

Concrete Raising

Concrete raising goes by other names, such as concrete leveling, slab jacking, and mud jacking. Often, the concrete itself is undamaged and simply settling to the bottom due to expanding and shifting soil. It is not necessary to replace an otherwise good slab of existing concrete. Rather, a cost-effective procedure is to raise the concrete back to its original position.

Raise your concrete with Align Foundation Repair.

With concrete raising, a small hole approximately one-inch in diameter is drilled into the slab. A pump is inserted into the hole where some type of filler – usually polyurethane or cement mixture – is pumped into the ground below the concrete. This fills in the gaps underneath; once the filler hardens, this effectively raises the slab so it’s back in alignment with the surrounding concrete.

Concrete Replacement

Concrete replacement may be the only recourse if the concrete sustained damage beyond repair. Typically, a technician will recommend a replacement if there is more than one crack per slab. At this point, the concrete’s structural integrity is severely compromised and may not be able to safely support a foundation or additional weight.

A replacement may also be in order if the concrete has settled more than eight inches beneath ground level. At this stage, the void beneath the slab is too great for slab jacking to restore. If the damage is due to tree root intrusion, then the solution usually also requires concrete replacement.

Contact Align Foundation Repair and get your concrete replaced.

While a replacement is more expensive than simply raising the concrete, this may be the sole option if the damage or settlement is beyond restoration.

We Raise and Replace Concrete

When it comes to concrete raising vs concrete replacement,  it is not about which method is better, but which is more appropriate to your particular foundation problem. If you see signs of settling or cracks in concrete, then call Align Foundation Repair for an evaluation. As part of your free estimate, we will determine which method is the most cost-effective and best for the given situation.

Should I Repair or Replace My Concrete Walkway?

Your concrete walkway may settle. The process is gradual, but the concrete will eventually settle to the point where it becomes a visual distraction and even a trip hazard. This leads to the question: should I repair or replace the concrete? This is a legitimate question for North Texas homeowners as concrete settlement is all too commonplace in this region.

Repair Methods

In most instances, the concrete itself is hardly damaged and simply settling to the bottom. An expensive concrete replacement is not necessary; raising the concrete walkway is the far more sensible solution. The process of raising concrete is known as mud-jacking. It also goes by other names, such as slab-jacking and concrete leveling.

Need quick and non-invasive repairs? Contact Align Foundation Repair today.

The process is quite simple. A slurry mixture of cement, clay and sand, or a similar solution is injected into the soil beneath the foundation. When the mixture hardens (usually within two hours), it fortifies the soil by filling in the gaps and air pockets that lead to the settling. This raises the concrete, so it’s flush with the surrounding driveway.

Unless damage to the concrete is significant, mud-jacking is a great option. It’s a cost-effective solution due to the non-invasive nature of the process. It can be completed within a single visit and does not require half the yard to be exhumed or existing concrete to be demolished. The cost is about half of the expense of a concrete replacement.

Contact Align Foundation Repair and get it repaired in less than a day.

When Is Replacement Necessary?

There are scenarios where a complete replacement is the only option. Such may be the case when:

  • The concrete slab is broken into many pieces
  • The concrete has deteriorated

The above scenarios, however, can almost always be avoided by calling a professional the minute you recognize the concrete has slightly sunk or sloped at an uneven angle. As long as you don’t wait until the last minute (when the concrete splits or sinks to extreme depths), repair will always be the more feasible option.

Raise Your Settling Concrete Walkway

Do you need to level a concrete walkway? This is where Align Foundation Repair comes in. Give us a call; with just one visit to your home, we can raise the concrete to its original position. Do not let the problem linger, as the concrete will only settle further until damage requires a far more expensive and labor-intensive replacement. Call us today for a free in-person evaluation of your foundation and complimentary estimate!

Pro Tips to Take Care of Your Home Foundation in the Summer

Though out of sight, the foundation is what maintains your home’s structural integrity. However, it is not immune to the passage of time. Over the years, many hot summers contribute to the gradual wear and tear. This makes foundation protection all the more critical for ensuring longevity.

The Implications of Summer Heat on Residential Foundations

The North Texas regions are known for blistering hot and dry summers. This is often accompanied by extended periods of drought. This dries the soil, causing the foundation to settle and ultimately develop cracks and splits. Once the summer ends and rainfall begin in the ensuing seasons, the water makes its way inside the cracks and finds its way in your home.
We suggest Texas homeowners follow these summer foundation maintenance tips outlined below to offset preventable damage.

Water the Foundation

The first care tip is to water the soil around the foundation during periods of dry weather. This sounds unusual, especially since puddling water around the foundation can cause long-term damage. However, during hot summers, watering the soil helps it maintain moisture. Use an automatic sprinkler or soaker hose. Begin doing this at the onset of dry conditions without regular rain. This prevents the soil from drying and cracking but doesn’t cause it to become too damp or muddy.


Balance is the key; the soil should be neither too wet or too dry. Prevent water from pooling around the home’s perimeter. Be sure gutter spouts point at least five feet away from the perimeter. The property grounds should also be slightly sloped, so water drips away from the home. Consult with Align Foundation Repair for the installation of a French drain.

Mulch the soil

Provide ample mulch over the soil. Mulch shields the soil from heat and helps it retain its moisture. We suggest using natural mulch, such as pine and wood or bark chips. The mulch should be two to four inches thick and not touch the home directly.


Trees and shrubs have extensive roots that suck water from the soil. If you plan on planting additional trees or shrubs, plant them several feet from the home. Also, consider drought-resistant shrubs.

We Care for Your Home Foundation Year-Round

Beyond basic care on your end, be sure to contact Align Foundation Repair for a more robust inspection and home foundation repair services if need be. Knowing how to care for your home foundation is essential for the long-term stability and resale value of your house. Call us today for a free evaluation of your foundation’s integrity and repair estimate.

Why You Have to Take Care of Your Foundation When the Soil Is Drying Up

A home’s foundation rests on the soil. In this regard, the soil can be thought of as the foundation for the foundation. This is why soil condition is so important. This is especially so in the North Texas region where frequent drought and hot weather can contribute to dry soil. In turn, this causes all sorts of structural issues.

The Problem with Dry Soil

Dry soil foundation problems are commonplace throughout most of the southern portion of North America. When the soil dries up, it shrinks. As the soil shrinks, the foundation settles. Eventually, as the rain increases, the soil expands. This yearlong cycle of shrinking and expansion causes the soil to “heave.” The foundation will move along with the soil; the movement causes movement in the foundation. This issue is especially common in the North Texas region, where the heavy clay and loam-based soil are prone to moisture loss, particularly during the peak summer months.

Keep in mind that changes in soil conditions are natural and to be expected with changes in the season. However, the soil should always maintain some level of moisture content. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen naturally, which is why some care on the homeowner’s end may be necessary.

How to Care for Your Foundation

Doing foundation care for dry soil is not complicated but does require diligent attention.

Another form of prevention is drip irrigation. Drip irrigation can be installed by a licensed irrigator. Alternatively, you can deploy soaker hoses. Contact Align for instructions to set up soaker hoses.

Don’t Eschew Professional Care

Even with stringent care on the homeowner’s part, regular professional inspection is still a must. Call Align Foundation Repair for a thorough evaluation of your foundation. We can detect early signs of foundation damage and take preventive action before the problem exacerbates. We can recommend foundation repair services if the issue is serious enough to warrant remediation. Call today for a free inspection and estimate!

Should I Level or Replace My Concrete Driveway?

Many homeowners overlook cracked or visibly damaged concrete as nothing more than an eyesore. However, aside from being visually displeasing, the damage or settling can be a trip hazard, not to mention a sign of poor soil conditions beneath. This leaves you with two options. Should you level the concrete or replace it entirely?

Concrete Leveling

Concrete settles due to low soil compaction, which leads to voids within the soil. This arises because of changing weather, which can shift rather abruptly in the Dallas Fort-Worth area. It may also arise from the soil not being properly filled and compacted during the concrete slab’s initial installation.

Concrete leveling is a procedure that fills the void in the soil. This raises the concrete back to its original position and stabilizes it from future settlement or uneven sloping.

Repair the voids in your soil today with Align Foundation Repair.

To level a concrete driveway, a technician drills a small hole into the concrete slab and pressure-injects a cement slurry or other mixture into the soil. Once the solution cures, it creates a firm and stable surface that prevents future sinking or sloping. The entire process takes no more than a day.

Concrete Replacement

Concrete replacement is the other option. With this method, the entire section of the slab is removed and replaced. While certainly a feasible option, this is often the far more expensive solution due to the additional time, labor, and materials involved. It’s also more invasive as the entire replacement section needs to be cordoned off and exhumed.

Align Foundation Repair can help you choose the right option for your needs. Contact us today.

Concrete Leveling vs Replacement

There are certainly some instances when replacement is the necessary option. This may be the case if a crack extends from one section of the slab to the other or there is extensive spalling. Another scenario is if there is significant damage due to excessive tree root intrusion.

However, the majority of concrete repairs can be completed via leveling. Plus, concrete leveling leaves a smaller carbon footprint since it requires less machinery and material disposal.

Find the Best Method for Concrete Restoration

Typically, raising a concrete driveway is often the go-to solution because it is simpler and more affordable. Contact us at Align Foundation Repair for a free evaluation and estimate. Upon an initial inspection, our knowledgeable technician can help you determine the appropriate course of action.

What Causes Concrete Driveways to Sink?

Over the years, the concrete in your driveway may begin to crack, settle, or slope unevenly. It is without a doubt a major eyesore, not to mention a trip hazard. What causes a sinking concrete driveway and is there anything a homeowner can do to remedy the situation? In nearly every case, the cause has to do with the soil directly beneath.

Soil Washout

The Dallas Fort Worth area is no stranger to occasional torrential rainfall. During rain or when water pools over the concrete, some of it may make its way into the soil. It’s also possible that a leaky plumbing pipe can lead to water intrusion. The water washes away and erodes the soil that supports the concrete’s weight. As the soil diminishes over time from repeated cycles of water intrusion, it begins to loosen. In turn, the concrete slab settles or slopes as its support structure loses its integrity.

Contact Align Foundation Repair to address water damage today.

Poor Soil Compaction

The soil quality during the concrete’s initial installation matters a great deal. The installer typically fills the soil to ensure proper compaction before pouring in the cement. However, the installer may fail to properly fill the soil. New concrete poured over soil that’s loose to begin with will result in concrete settlement in just a few short years.

Burrowing Pests

The Dallas-Fort Worth region is home to various native wildlife. Many are considered pests; one way they cause damage to property is by burrowing holes around residential zones. The tunnels they create may lead directly to the soil beneath the driveway. This displaces the soil, leaving less to support the concrete. The tunnels may also create just enough of an opening for water to seep in.

Contact Align Foundation Repair and fix the damage that pests cause.

Weather Changes

The shifting dry and wet cycles affect soil conditions. The Dallas region is known for heavily clay-based soil. When clay gets wet, it holds the water and expands. When the water dries out, it shrinks. The constant contraction and expansion cause the slab to shift around. The subtle movement is enough to cause cracks to form over time.

Leave Concrete Repairs to Us

As we have pointed out, problems with underlying soil are the most likely causes of a sinking concrete driveway. Merely restoring the concrete slab and sealing cracks is a band-aid solution. For a permanent fix, contact us at Align Foundation Repair. We can examine the source of concrete settlement and implement concrete driveway leveling to restore the soil’s integrity.

How to Fix a Sinking Concrete Driveway

Over the years, a concrete driveway may begin to settle or slope unevenly in one direction. This is often a sign of poor soil compaction, which is actually commonplace in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Concrete poured over clay-based soil is vulnerable to shifting and eventually settling. What is the best method for fixing a sinking concrete driveway?

The Method

While several concrete repair options are available, the most commonplace solution nowadays is concrete leveling. The procedure also goes by several names, such as mud-jacking and slab-jacking. More or less, the terms all refer to the same method.

With concrete leveling, a mixture is injected into the soil below the concrete to raise the slab back to its position and make it flush with the adjacent concrete. The method is affordable and a fraction of the cost of concrete replacement.

How the Process Works

The process is noninvasive and contrary to belief, does not require any digging or slab removal. Essentially, a technician drills a small hole into the concrete. This small opening is wide enough to insert a tube where a slurry cement mixture is pumped into the soil beneath. The solution usually consists of a mixture of Portland cement and sandy loam.

Learn more about the concrete leveling method by contacting Align Foundation Repair today.

Concrete settles due to low soil compaction, which creates gaps and air pockets. This leaves the soil prone to air and water absorption, leading to shifting that causes the concrete above to heave. Over the years, this leads to permanent settlement or uneven sloping. Likewise, cracks in the concrete may enable rainwater to seep in, which erodes the soil and reduces compaction.

The injected mixture fills in the gaps in the soil. Once it hardens, it compacts the soil and blocks air and water intrusion which prevents concrete settlement/sloping.
Once the process is complete, the hole is patched and hardly noticeable. The entire process takes less than 24 hours. It goes without saying that this is not a DIY endeavor.

Contact Align Foundation Repair and let us handle it for you.

Leave Concrete Repair to Us

Contact us at Align Foundation Repair for an inspection if a portion of your concrete is sinking. Sinking concrete driveway repair is one of our mainstay operations due to the prevalence of sinking concrete in the region. Thanks to new technology in the industry, concrete restoration – in most instances – no longer requires invasive and expensive procedures like concrete replacement.

How to Fix a Cracked Uneven Concrete Patio

Over time, the concrete that makes up your patio walkway may begin to settle or crack. It may also slope at an angle, creating a dangerous trip hazard as well as an unsightly look. Learn how to fix cracked, uneven concrete patio and restore the surface to its original condition.

What Causes Cracked Concrete?

A cracked uneven concrete patio can be due to a number of reasons. One main cause is due to the soil beneath. Dallas is known for clay-based soil, which is highly expansive. The soil expands and contracts as it absorbs moisture. In turn, this causes the concrete to settle in various sections and often unevenly. This leads to sloping and eventually cracks.

Contact Align Foundation Repair to learn more about the causes of cracked concrete.

What’s the Solution?

While DIY solutions are available, they require extensive knowledge of concrete repair. You will also have to rent expensive commercial equipment. An uneven concrete patio is better left to a technician to diagnose and repair.

Several options are at your disposal. An inspector will make a recommendation based on the type and degree of damage. Usually, the methods come down to the ones listed below.


This method is also known as slabjacking. With this procedure, a small hole is drilled into the concrete. The hole serves as an entry point for pumping a mortar-based mixture into the soil beneath. The mixture hardens and fills in the gaps in the soil that caused the sloping and settling. Similar solutions include using a polyurethane mixture for filling in the gaps in the soil.

Align Foundation Repair can strengthen your concrete. Contact us today.

Concrete Resurfacing

This is an inexpensive and non-invasive process of removing surface-level cracks in the concrete. Many homeowners find this solution to be a quick-fix. In many cases, however, resurfacing only masks the real underlying problem. While it may conceal the cracks, it does not address the settling soil beneath.

Replacing the Concrete

You can completely replace the cracked concrete. Since this is usually the most expensive solution, a technician may only recommend it if the concrete has settled or sloped to a degree that is irreparable by mudjacking or another method.

We Repair Settling Patio Concrete

Settling concrete in the patio walkway is not only an eyesore but also a safety hazard. Contact us at Align Foundation Repair for an inspection. A technician will determine the cause and recommend a solution that ensures long-lasting results.

What to Do with a Sinking Concrete Patio?

Your patio or walkway may have a concrete slab or two that’s sinking or sloping at an uneven angle. What do you do? Do you just leave it as it is? That’s definitely an option, but it’s certainly an eyesore, not to mention a trip hazard. What are your options for a sinking concrete patio?


The most common solution is mudjacking, also known as concrete raising. This fast and affordable solution can be completed in a single day. With this noninvasive procedure, a hole about one and a half inches in diameter is drilled into the concrete. This serves as an entry point for a slurry mixture. The mixture fills in the gap and air pockets in the soil. It compresses the soil, pushing the concrete back in place and eliminating future occurrences of the concrete resettling to the bottom or sloping. Concrete raising is a common repair method in the Dallas Fort Worth area because soil conditions often warrant such a procedure.

Some of the more recent breakthroughs in mudjacking include injecting a polymer foam that cures in a matter of minutes. It also restores the slab to its full and original weight-bearing capacity.

Contact Align Foundation Repair for mudjacking services today.

Slab Replacement

If the crack and/or sinking is extensive, then it may be beyond what mudjacking can restore. In this instance, a technician may recommend a complete slab replacement. The existing slab will need to be broken up and removed to make room for the new one.

Since replacement is more expensive, it is usually the last-resort. A replacement is usually necessary once the slab has incurred cracking and separation into many pieces.

We Restore a Sinking Concrete Patio

We don’t advise just letting a sinking concrete be as it is. It’s a visual distraction and also a safety hazard. Call Align Foundation Repair for sinking concrete patio repair; upon inspection, a technician will suggest a solution designed for long-term concrete stability.

How Do I Keep a Concrete Patio From Sinking and Cracking?

With age, concrete eventually cracks and splits. Is this inevitable, or is there anything homeowners can do on their end to prevent concrete from cracking and sinking? Find out why concrete sinks and what you can do on your end to minimize the odds of damage occurring.

What Causes Concrete to Sink?

Before we talk about prevention, it helps to understand why concrete sinks and slopes in the first place. The cause has to do more with the base the slab was built on rather than the concrete itself. The soil beneath the slab may not have been compacted properly during installation.

Another possibility is that the edges that the slab sits on weren’t properly backfilled or were filled with soft soil and loose aggregates. Over time, this will allow moisture to seep in, leading to soil contraction and expansion.

Contact Align Foundation Repair for your sinking concrete.

How to Prevent Concrete from Cracking

The methods below reinforce concrete strength. We recommend professional implementation unless you have a knowledgeable background in slab repair.

One simple method homeowners can do on their end is to make sure their downspouts point at least five feet away from all concrete. Puddling water is bad for concrete. Proper drainage that directs water away is vital, especially during rainy periods.

Prevention methods best left to a professional include sealing gaps between slabs. This is done using a backer rod with silicone caulk or polyurethane as the sealer. If an inspector suspects poor soil compaction, then he may suggest digging out the slab or utilize slab jacking to fill and compact the soil. Tightly compressed soil ensures a stable base, as it eliminates small pockets of air that allows moisture to accumulate. The soil should be compacted at a depth of four to six inches for long-term results.

Let Align Foundation Repair seal the gaps in your concrete. Contact us today.

To summarize, prevention comes down to these three keys: drainage, soil compaction, and sealing. For maximum protection, be sure all three elements are in place. It’s not enough to just implement one or two out of the three and hope for the best.

We Ensure a Solid Concrete Base

Our remediations include slabjacking or mudjacking. We also perform prevention measures. We prevent concrete from sinking by fortifying the base. The Dallas Fort Worth area is known for sandy and loose soil, making prevention all the more necessary. We advise residents to consider prevention to offset a more costly repair or replacement down the road.