Pro Tips to Take Care of Your Home Foundation in the Summer

Though out of sight, the foundation is what maintains your home’s structural integrity. However, it is not immune to the passage of time. Over the years, many hot summers contribute to the gradual wear and tear. This makes foundation protection all the more critical for ensuring longevity.

The Implications of Summer Heat on Residential Foundations

The North Texas regions are known for blistering hot and dry summers. This is often accompanied by extended periods of drought. This dries the soil, causing the foundation to settle and ultimately develop cracks and splits. Once the summer ends and rainfall begin in the ensuing seasons, the water makes its way inside the cracks and finds its way in your home.
We suggest Texas homeowners follow these summer foundation maintenance tips outlined below to offset preventable damage.

Water the Foundation

The first care tip is to water the soil around the foundation during periods of dry weather. This sounds unusual, especially since puddling water around the foundation can cause long-term damage. However, during hot summers, watering the soil helps it maintain moisture. Use an automatic sprinkler or soaker hose. Begin doing this at the onset of dry conditions without regular rain. This prevents the soil from drying and cracking but doesn’t cause it to become too damp or muddy.


Balance is the key; the soil should be neither too wet or too dry. Prevent water from pooling around the home’s perimeter. Be sure gutter spouts point at least five feet away from the perimeter. The property grounds should also be slightly sloped, so water drips away from the home. Consult with Align Foundation Repair for the installation of a French drain.

Mulch the soil

Provide ample mulch over the soil. Mulch shields the soil from heat and helps it retain its moisture. We suggest using natural mulch, such as pine and wood or bark chips. The mulch should be two to four inches thick and not touch the home directly.


Trees and shrubs have extensive roots that suck water from the soil. If you plan on planting additional trees or shrubs, plant them several feet from the home. Also, consider drought-resistant shrubs.

We Care for Your Home Foundation Year-Round

Beyond basic care on your end, be sure to contact Align Foundation Repair for a more robust inspection and home foundation repair services if need be. Knowing how to care for your home foundation is essential for the long-term stability and resale value of your house. Call us today for a free evaluation of your foundation’s integrity and repair estimate.

Why You Have to Take Care of Your Foundation When the Soil Is Drying Up

A home’s foundation rests on the soil. In this regard, the soil can be thought of as the foundation for the foundation. This is why soil condition is so important. This is especially so in the North Texas region where frequent drought and hot weather can contribute to dry soil. In turn, this causes all sorts of structural issues.

The Problem with Dry Soil

Dry soil foundation problems are commonplace throughout most of the southern portion of North America. When the soil dries up, it shrinks. As the soil shrinks, the foundation settles. Eventually, as the rain increases, the soil expands. This yearlong cycle of shrinking and expansion causes the soil to “heave.” The foundation will move along with the soil; the movement causes movement in the foundation. This issue is especially common in the North Texas region, where the heavy clay and loam-based soil are prone to moisture loss, particularly during the peak summer months.

Keep in mind that changes in soil conditions are natural and to be expected with changes in the season. However, the soil should always maintain some level of moisture content. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen naturally, which is why some care on the homeowner’s end may be necessary.

How to Care for Your Foundation

Doing foundation care for dry soil is not complicated but does require diligent attention.

Another form of prevention is drip irrigation. Drip irrigation can be installed by a licensed irrigator. Alternatively, you can deploy soaker hoses. Contact Align for instructions to set up soaker hoses.

Don’t Eschew Professional Care

Even with stringent care on the homeowner’s part, regular professional inspection is still a must. Call Align Foundation Repair for a thorough evaluation of your foundation. We can detect early signs of foundation damage and take preventive action before the problem exacerbates. We can recommend foundation repair services if the issue is serious enough to warrant remediation. Call today for a free inspection and estimate!

When Is the Best Time of Year to Fix Your Foundation?

Is there an ideal season for scheduling a foundation repair? It comes down to the type and degree of damage. If severe, then the house may require repairs ASAP regardless of the time of year. However, if the repairs can wait, then it may be to your advantage to hold it off until a certain season or month arrives.

Why Time of Year Matters

Foundational damage is often the cause of soil expanding and shifting. Soil shifting is heavily influenced by weather and humidity. This means foundation damage is more likely to occur during certain times of the year, though homeowners may not notice signs of foundation damage until months or years down the line. The accumulative effects of the damage may also occur over a span of multiple seasons.

Schedule an inspection with Align Foundation Repair to head off cumulative damage before it reaches the rest of the house.


Winter encompasses the months of December through February. In many cases, winter is the best time for repairs due to the colder temperatures and minimal rainfall. The relatively dry weather creates stable soil conditions. However, this is also when homeowners are less likely to schedule a repair. The reason is twofold.

First, stable soil conditions mean less foundation settling. Signs of damage are less apparent, meaning homeowners are less likely to sense urgency. Second, homeowners prefer not to have work done on their home during the hectic holiday season, especially in December.

Your foundation may seem stable in the winter, but this is still the best time for repairs. Contact Align Foundation Repair for a free estimate.


Spring is when repair work is often done. This is because homeowners recognize signs of damage as they are scheduling renovations. Cracks may also manifest in spring as clay soils begin to expand.


This is when soil contraction reaches its peak due to the humidity and summer rainfall. Foundation settling becomes highly apparent. Like winter, however, homeowners may hesitate to schedule summer repairs due to vacation plans.

If you see your foundation settling, Contact Align Foundation Repair for a free estimate.


Summers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area tend to bleed into fall, so you get a lot of the same hot weather, especially in early autumn. This means much of the same noticeable foundation settling. Some homeowners also prefer fall for repairs since they have no immediate vacation plans.

When Is the Best Time for Foundation Repair in Garland, TX?

Ultimately, regardless of season, the best time for foundation repairs is whatever timeframe is dictated by the damage to your foundation. That may be ASAP, when weather permits, or until next season. In any case, it comes down to the extent of the repair work necessary and whether it can wait or requires immediate attention. Contact us at Align Foundation Repair to learn more about our foundation repair services in Dallas, Texas.


Hot Weather Foundation Repair

Why Hot Weather Damages Your Home Foundation

Texas temperatures in summer easily break 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Even when the temperature is in the high 90s, dry Texas weather wicks the moisture from the soil around your house and steals it from your foundation, which causes cracks. Dry weather day after day is a recipe for foundation disaster, and you may find yourself with lasting foundation damage that compromises the structural integrity of your home if you don’t address the problem.

Foundation repair experts believe that homeowners in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in and around Plano should understand the facts behind this phenomenon, and why it’s more important than ever to be proactive in assessing damage to your home’s foundation.

Shrinking Soil

When the weather gets too hot and dry, especially in states like Texas where the daily summer temperature easily reaches above 100, that dehydrates the soil. Since the soil around your foundation is usually moist, it shrinks when it’s dehydrated, moves around, and stops supporting your foundation. The loss in support causes your foundation to settle.

Sinking Foundations

When settling occur in the foundation because of dryness and hot weather, the foundation will settle until it finds support again. However far away from your foundation the dry soil has moved, that’s how far the foundation will move until it has soil to rest against again. This causes parts of your foundation and house to tilt in whatever direction the foundation started to fall and sink.

Just Add Water

One of the ways homeowners can combat dry soil and cracking foundation is to water the area around the house. Spend 15 to 20 minutes each day adding water to the soil around the foundation. If your area is in a drought, do as much as you’re allowed, but be consistent. As permitted, increase your watering time until you hit 15 or 20 minutes each day. Just remember to keep the soaker hoses 6-18″ away from the foundation.  For those who worry about water costs during the summer, your water bill might be a bit higher, but that’s preferable to a foundation repair that costs thousands of dollars. Use watering as a method to maintain your foundation. If you believe you have a settling issue, continue to water normally and call Align.

Foundation Cracks in Dallas-Fort Worth? Call a Professional

How do you know this damage hasn’t occurred already? Sometimes it’s obvious, but sometimes those cracks are sitting in places you can’t see. Call a professional and ask for a foundation evaluation. When no problems exist, our foundation repair service professionals will recommend more measures you can take to make sure your foundation stays intact. When settling is present, we will let you know how extensive the damage is and whether repairs need to happen right away.

The Texas heat is brutal on your foundation, so foundation damage isn’t something to ignore. Contact Align Foundation Repair right away for an inspection. Our Texas foundation repair service areas include Plano, Garland, Arlington and the entire Dallas-Ft. Worth area. If your foundation is fine, start watering it every summer day to make sure it stays that way. If it isn’t, take care of it before the damage gets any worse.


Cracked Concrete Align Foundation Repair; Image via Flickr by Napolean_70

How Do Droughts Affect My Foundation?

Droughts have an obvious effect on the surface of your yard. Your lawn can turn brown, and your outdoor gardens can look starved for moisture. But what might be happening underground? Find out how droughts can affect your home’s foundation.

Drought Causing Foundation Problems

How does dry climate impact the physical structure of the home? During a drought, the soil becomes compact. This is especially true with clay-based soils.

As the soil compacts, it decreases in mass, causing the foundation to settle into the newly empty space. While foundation settling is natural, a drought causes this to occur at an accelerated rate. Even worse, the settling may not be evenly dispersed, leading to structural issues. If soil compaction is severe, this can result in a noticeable slope on one side of the structure.

If you’ve recently experienced a drought, contact Align Foundation Repair to get your foundation fixed.

Ramifications of Drought-Induced Damage

Uneven settling causes the foundation to shift. Slopes in the foundation can also cause visible cracks in the walls and siding. If you intend on selling your home, foundation repair may be required if an inspection verifies damage.

Signs of Foundation damage

It was as recently as 2011 that Texas experienced its worst-ever drought. If another drought hits the Dallas-Fort Worth area, homeowners should be on the lookout for these signs of damage:

  • Visible cracks in the wall, siding, crown molding, or plaster
  • Doors and windows may no longer shut properly
  • Cracks or noticeable separation in any existing brickwork. Cracks may appear right on the bricks or along the mortar joints.
  • A noticeable slope in the first level of the home
  • Water in the crawl space or around the home perimeter

Since home sinking and settling occurs gradually, you should take notes, photograph the foundation, and document specific signs.

Contact Align Foundation Repair and get your foundation inspected professionally.

Cracks in the drywall upstairs and gaps in the trim are also signs of problems. If you discover your home is sinking or settling unevenly, you may find windows and doors difficult to open, because the frames are no longer square.

If you think your home is settling unevenly, use the marble test. Place a marble in the middle of a floor and watch how quickly it rolls away. If it moves rapidly toward a wall, call Align for a professional evaluation.

Prevent Soil Shrinkage

You can prevent drought-induced soil shrinkage by watering the ground around your foundation. First, dig down into the soil about six inches, at a distance of 6-12 inches from your foundation. If you feel the soil is completely dry, allow water from a soaker hose to moisten the soil. While you don’t want to flood the earth, a gentle soaking will prevent the supporting earth from shrinking away from your home’s foundation.

Contact Align Foundation Repair today to repair damage from shrinking soil.

Drought Damage in Dallas? Call on Align Foundation Repair

Since 2000, up to 70% of U.S. lands have experienced abnormally dry conditions, according to the EPA. Furthermore, according to the Texas Water Resources Institute, the state experienced its driest period ever recorded in September 2011.

The consequences of a drought extend way beyond brown grass and poor crop yield. Extremely dry weather also leads to home foundation issues.

When rain becomes scarce and your area shows signs of drought stress, watch for problems with your home’s foundation. By staying vigilant, you can avoid major foundation cracks due to drought. Contact us, your Dallas foundation repair experts at Align Foundation Repair If you’re not sure how bad the damage is, for a free inspection and estimate. We are a family-owned and operated drainage solution and foundation repair company serving the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We always put the customer first and stand behind our work with a Lifetime Warranty!