Pier and Beam Foundation Problems
Pier and beam foundations are commonplace in the North Texas, area due to the construction generally working well for the soil conditions in the region. Nevertheless, the foundation isn’t without its problems, especially when exposed to weather and temperature extremes. We’ll highlight some of the common pier and beam foundation issues and what homeowners can do about it.
The Common Issues at a Glance
Water can cause movement of both interior and exterior areas. Too much water in the soil can cause the piers to sink. This can also cause piers to tilt, resulting in beam destabilization if one pier sags deeper than another. In turn, this causes components like the door and window to get out of kilter and not open or shut properly.
With a moist environment also comes a flooded crawlspace. The moisture can also make its way into the joists and beams, setting the perfect environment for mold and mildew growth. In turn, this leads to wood rot. Moldy wood is also a festering ground for termites.
Another issue is shim failure, which is often due to poor construction and use of inferior materials, such as plywood or sheet-rock. Steel shims are far sturdier.
Signs of a Damaged Pier and Beam Foundation
The signs are similar to that of other foundational issues. This includes cracks where the wall and ceiling meet. You may also notice cracks in areas with concrete, such as garage and basement floors. If the concrete is chipping or flaking, then that may be another symptom. This is especially the case of older homes, which often contain inferior concrete made from salty sand.
How to Prevent Pier and Beam Foundation Problems
It’s apparent that water is a prime attributor of pier and beam issues. Prevention, therefore, revolves mainly around water buildup prevention and watering during dry times.
• Clean the gutters and clear it of leaves, dirt, and other debris.
• Redirect the downspout. As a general rule, the spout should be at least 5-feet away from the base of the house.
• Consider a French drain system. We especially recommend this if your home is located on the downward portion of a slope that makes it susceptible to pooling water.
We Correct Pier and Beam Issues
Contact Align Foundation Repair if you notice any of the symptoms above. Pier and Beam foundation problems require immediate remediation. Letting the problem exacerbate can result in greater damage to the home. Get a free estimate on pier and beam foundation repair from the experts at Align Foundation Repair before it gets worse.